The Call is a day of prayer and fasting on behalf of our nation. Today is The Call KC. You can catch live coverage of it on god tv or watch it online.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Have you heard The Call?
Sunday, December 30, 2007
A few more links I like
Today I thought I'd share a few more links I like.
god tv
This is a great way to watch god tv if you aren't lucky enough to get the channel on your tv. This weekend I have been watching coverage of the Call Nashville and IHOP's Onething conference.
This is the movement responsible for the silent protests outside of government buildings and abortion clinics. Maybe you've seen the red duct tape with the word LIFE written on it. Get your lifebands here. (fair warning: this one was taking a while for me to load today.)
Test your vocab skills and donate something towards hunger too. This can be quite addictive. For example: hygroscopic means....?
efood depot
You can buy all those hard to find ethnic type foods here. I've never actually ordered, but I like to look.
Kids in Ministry
This is the website belonging to the lady behind the Jesus Camp film controversy.
A real weath of knowledge. I've used it for everything from recipes to how-to's.
Who needs an encyclopedia when you have wikipedia?
Last but not least.
One that I use frequently. I sometimes forget how to spell something or am unsure if I'm using a word correctly. It also saves shelf space. Who needs a dictionary when you have
Friday, December 28, 2007
Like a great pair of shoes
Seeing an old friend is like wearing a great pair of shoes or wrapping up in a cozy blanket. It's comforting to know some things never change. I had a nice lunch today with someone I hadn't seen in a very long time. (hi, btw...) Circumstances between us have changed, but that feeling of knowing someone was still there. I was going to blog about something similar last week, but really didn't have the time.
The idea came to me while at a Christmas party some of my parents' friends threw. As I was sitting in their house, I thought about how long we had known them. I was just a little girl when J. first came into our lives. I've known her through 3 marriages, a million moves, and countless dinners around the table. She has been a constant in both my parents' lives and mine. We always laugh long and loud when we get together, eat good food, and remember when. Everybody needs a J. in their life. I hope I have one of my own someday. I have friends. I'd like to think when the chips are down they would really be there for me, but always at the back of my mind I'm not so sure. I think I have trust issues, but that's a topic for another day. Anyway, seeing an old friend today made me remember I wanted to write about it.
Sometimes, I don't feel very friendly, loving or lovable. "Why would anyone love me?" is the thought I sometimes beat myself up with. I'm reminded of this scripture (paraphrased) "Herein is love, that while we were yet sinners, Christ came to be the atonement for our sins." Now that's a friend.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Am I the only one...
...that gets bored the days following Christmas? I think I've heard it called the big let down. Christmas was very nice, everyone loved their gifts, there were no major arguments-only 1 minor tiff when my husband woke up grumpily from his nap. ( I hate that.) Now it's the day after and it's all over and I'm bored. It's only 8:00, but if feels like midnight. The parties are over, people are back to work, and we're back to being alone. I really don't like it.
Calgon, take me away.
On a positive note, Christmas was quite nice. My family was together without the stress of the past few years, and we actually seemed to enjoy ourselves. No walking on eggshells, people were laughing, and smiling and even hugging when it was time to go home. How refreshing to return to the civility of years past. I even managed to stay on budget with the holiday shopping so no after Christmas guilt. We took lots and lots of pictures, none of which I've looked at yet. I managed to take a cute shot of the girls in front of the tree. Not only did daddy get one all framed and wrapped, but I also gave them to grandma, great grandma, uncle, and nearly uncle. I didn't bake a single cookie this year. Not even for Santa. We were at my brother's far later than expected -great grandma was late to dinner,a first in my memory. By the time we finally made it home, the kids were too tired to even care if Santa got his freshly baked cookies. Store bought to the rescue. I don't usually buy them, but hubby happened to have bought some for a gift that he didn't end up giving. They were pretty good, but nothing like homemade. Maybe I'll make some New Year cookies.
Okay, I'm rambling. I'll hop off and finish putting away the laundry.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas!
Today will be a busy day. I want to go to Sam's to get a flower arrangement for my grandma, go to Wal-mart to print a copy of the girls' picture, and buy a bag or greens. Then I need to come home and wrap 3-4 presents, and clean like mad all before 3:45 when I need to leave to go to my brother's house for dinner. Oh! I also need to make a green bean casserole to take to his house. Then, when we get home tonight around 7:00 it's cookie baking for Santa, settle down with a Christmas movie or two, hang our stockings, put out the fresh cookies and milk or juice, and try to get the little darlings into bed and asleep at a decent time. When I'm finally sure they're out, I can load the stockings, and put out the presents.
Tomorrow, will be presents when we wake up, brunch, a short playtime, baths/showers, and then we're off to my mother's to enjoy the day.
I hope your holiday is blessed and full of family fun and laughter.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Me and my obsessive clicking...
or bad habit. I'm not sure which. I'm leaning toward habit though. I have this whole routine every time I hop on the comp. Let me preface it by saying I'm on the computer often. I've mentioned 9yo is a cyberschooler, and so it's a necessity. We're also by ourselves a lot, so it's become company for me. (sad, and pathetic I know.) Anyway, the routine goes: put in password (if I don't keep it locked, the little one would be on the comp all the time. She figured it out when she was quite young.) click email and read through my messages, and then click the school and start a lesson. 9yo is becoming more independent and so I've developed the habit of reading while she works. Sometimes books, or research of some kind, but lately blogs. With a half dozen or more on my favorites, it's become a habit to click them all. If you happen to notice on your site tracker I pop up frequently, you'll know why. Sometimes it's so mindless, I don't even realize what I'm doing. You know, like when your driving and you automatically turn on a certain street just because you travel it often. Certainly my dad and I aren't the only 2 people in the world that do that. I'm definitely thinking this falls into the habit category like biting your nails or twirling your hair. I probably need to be a little more disciplined. Just wanted to put it out there. I'm not a freaky cyberstalker-just an understimulated mom.
punched in the face
Got your attention didn't I?
I look as though I've been punched in the face. Yesterday morning I woke up with what I thought was a tiny cut on my top lip. I thought, "Man, are my lips chapped" and slathered on some chapstick. Pretty simple, right? Except my lip didn't feel better- it felt worse. After about 2 hours I finally looked in the mirror. ( I usually avoid them. My children don't care if my hair is perfectly coiffed.) Whadya know, it wasn't chapped. It was a cold sore. I immediately got out my tiny tube of medicine and applied. This usually stops them before they get too painful or large. Wrong. Today I woke up with a top lip double it's normal size. Erggg! I look like someone has abused me. Looks like I'm holing up in the house until the swelling is down. It's so embarrassing!!
Hubby won't be getting a portrait of we 3 girls. I never managed to get it taken the other night. Yesterday I hoped today I would look better. Today, I'm sure I don't. I guess I'll just give him one of the little girls.
At least it's only a cold sore. It could be much worse.
Labels: health
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Thankful Thursday
Today I thought I'd try something different. I've only ever seen it at one other blog, and I like the idea. Especially when you don't have anything specific to write about.
This Christmas season I'm thankful that...
there are only 5 more days until Christmas and then it's over until next year.
most of my shopping is done, except a trip to the grocery store and maybe to walmart to print up a photo of we 3 girls for hubby's gift-especially because there are only 5 days until Christmas. Do you know what the stores are like?
I live in a small place that takes less time to clean than the palatial homes I drool over. It gets messed up very quickly, but since there's less room I don't have to walk as far to put things away.
I'm a good cook and my family will eat well before we are invited over to a not so good cook's home for dinner.
we have the simple things in life. Running water, flush toilets, and electricity. These are truly things to be grateful for.
the lovely couple at church tucked a nice Christmas surprise in my card and I was able to go and buy some much needed undergarments. They really are such a blessing.
there is a store that carries the much needed undergarments in my size. It's so nice to walk in and find exactly what I need in a plethora of colors. One size really doesn't fit all.
I have the love and support of God fearing parents. Even in difficult times I know they love me and are praying for me.
Christ humbled himself and became a man. Lived a sinless life, died, was burried, and rose again to be seated at the right hand of the Father and gives me VICTORY and eternal life through His sacrifice. May I never forget all He has done for me.
Labels: Christmas, Thankful Thursday
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Today I Cried
Make that cry. I'm still weepy.
As I was sitting in the sanctuary of my shower my thoughts drifted towards Christmas. This year everything is turned upside down. We are having Christmas dinner at my mother's house. Exactly what we've been trying to get my grandmother to agree to for the past few years. We always had Christmas at her house. We didn't just have dinner. We spent the whole day. She expected us as early as possible. Forget opening presents Christmas morning. uh-uh. She expected us so early that we started opening them Christmas Eve. No Santa Claus for me. We ate at 12:00 sharp. Lunch was spread out on the table, every one seated. This year no hurrying my children through presents. No mad dash to make it to Grandma's in time for a 1:00 lunch. Then it hit me. We aren't having Christmas at Grandma's. My uncle won't be waiting for us. Lunch won't have to be delayed. We aren't going.
We aren't going. My uncle won't be there. It had to sink in. He's gone. I tried to imagine not hearing his laugh as the kids tugged their toys out of his teasing arms. I tried to imagine not hearing him sing some goofy bluegrass or country song. I can't. He's alwasy been there.
My thoughts then turned to my Grandma. How much time do we still have with her? Suddenly rushing over to Grandma's seemed like a treasure, not a burden. Memories of my youth came flooding back as I felt the warm of the house, and heard all the familiar voices laughing. singing. Time is so cruel. If only I could be small again, my loved ones all surrounding me- small enough to fit in my grandma's lap as she sang me some song from her youth.
We aren't going this year. This year will be a new memory. My first Christmas at my mother's house. I'll treasure every moment. Drink in everyone there. We never know how much time we have left.
Labels: Christmas
Socks and Underwear a Go
My husband informed me today that he didn't want a new cellphone. He's okay with using his 'old' one. This man is maddening at times. He undulates between extremely cheap and extremely extravagent. There seems to be no middle ground. So even if I had decided to break my budget and get him a new phone, he doesn't really want one. I told him today that he's just too hard to buy for. I told him the only thing I was sure he would use is underwear and socks-he never has enough, even when he has 30 pairs of each. He just flashed his usual smile and said, "Okay, that'd be good." I think he would really enjoy getting underwear and socks for Christmas. I have a large box in storage. Maybe I'll just fill it up with as much as my budget allows, and put it under the tree.
We were having our anual whataya want arguement-er, I mean, conversation. He always says he doesn't know what to buy me. He is truely oblivious to any attempt to clue him in to anything. He knows sizes and colors and all that jazz, but turn him loose with a wad of cash and he suddenly turns to Idiotman. He spends all his time looking at cellphones, tvs, and computers and then last minute decides he better buy me something. I guess he works better under pressure. The best gift he's given me in the past few years is cash. This year for my birthday he said, "Here. Go buy what you want." How romantic. <3<3<3 8D
Labels: Christmas
Sunday, December 16, 2007
christmas shopping...
Check. Christmas cards...Check.
I finished my cards yesterday and my shopping for the kids this evening. The weather is gross. Cold, windy, snowy and blowing, but my mom phoned me up this afternoon and said I'd better go. The rest of this week is busy for her, so it was now or never. The stores were not busy, everybody was scared off by the weather I guess. The only problem was that the shelves were somewhat bare of some of the items I wanted.
4yo braved it like a soldier. At first she cried and wanted to go along but after I explained to her she was simply not permitted to go or to cry, she straightened right up. I wish I could spend double what I did but I'm sure when I get it all layed out to wrap I'll be surprised at what I was able to get. I usually have to do the shopping for my grandmother so that will be another opportunity.
I still need to pick up a few things for the adults in my life. I'm sure the kids will enjoy being dragged around to do that. Actually, they are usually pretty well behaved and enjoy giving a little input. I cannot think of a thing to buy for my husband. He has everything he wants or needs. If he wants it, he buys it. The only thing he would probably like is a new cellphone. He loves cellphones. I dunno. I don't think I wanna break my budget for one. He's still got a year to go on his contract.
Forgive me if the thoughts aren't very cohesive or well constructed. It was a 6 hour shopping marathon to get it all done. My brain feels fried.
Labels: Christmas
Another Sunday at Home
Sleet and ice seem to be the theme for December. We are at home once again. This time I planned for it. I have a lovely roast with carrots and potatoes in the slow cooker right now. In a few hours we'll have a delicious late lunch. I haven't had pot roast in so long, my mouth is watering thinking about it. In the meantime, I'm watching IHOP's late service web feed.
"No one whose hope is in the Lord will ever be put to shame."
I'd really love to get subscription to the prayer room for Christmas or a few worship cd's I've had my eye on. I've hinted a little bit, but my parents hardly use their computer, and my husband is just clueless. I suppose they will have to be a gift I give myself.
Friday, December 14, 2007
christmas ramblings
We put our tree up yesterday which is something I put off doing because I don't really enjoy it. There is something about touching the branches that make me so itchy. I guess I wasn't really in the holiday mood either. I have yet to sign a card, bake a cookie, or buy a single present. Firstly, I haven't really had an opportunity to buy any. My children have been with me 24/7 without a glimpse of fatherly support for the past 2 weeks. I could have had my parents watch them, but that brings me to the other reason I haven't bought anything yet. Their bedroom has been a disaster zone.
I know I've mentioned before that I live in a small space. Let me just refresh your memory. We live 812 square feet-2bedrooms, kitchen, living room, bathroom, small laundry space. We didn't plan on living here long. It was kind of a stopping off point-so we thought- until we moved on to greener pastures. Life kinda got in the way, I'll spare you the details, and we have been here 8 years this January. I never intended to be raising 2 children here. Having 2 means they share a small bedroom. A small bedroom means, you guessed it, a disaster zone. My 4yo is mostly to blame for this. She inherited her dad's messy gene. She could care less if things are neat and orderly. She doesn't even notice. It's normal for her to have to walk over top of things in order to get where she wants to be. 9yo is not nearly so bad. After living with me for so long, she caught on that things need to be neat in order to live peacefully. 4yo could careless if things are peaceful. I think she thrives on chaos. So 4yo messes it up, 9yo complains and begins to clean it up, but by the time things are clean enough to find a "lost" toy, 4yo has messed it up again. I feel like my almost 10yo is capable of being responsible for her own space. It's her room, I shouldn't have to clean it. More times than not though, I take pity on her and when it gets so bad I can't get in the door I clean it.
I've shared all of that to explain why I haven't shopped yet. The bedroom was a disaster zone. 4yo strikes again! I explained calmly to her that if the toys she had couldn't be kept neat, there would be no Christmas toys. If they don't care for what they have, they don't need more. More is a disease.
My husband and I decided when our first was a newborn, that we would keep life simple. Toys come at Christmas and birthdays only. Sometimes as a treat they will get something very small throughout the year.( usually $5 or less.) This is done out of love, not out of cruelty. I have an older brother who was spoiled rotten! My parents were the ministers of a small country church and he was the only baby. He was the only grandchild my grandparents had access too, and my mother had such a hard time conceiving they thought they would never have another. He was spoiled! Then 6 years later I came along and my parents moved us across country. They ended up in a very poor congregation in the middle of Galveston TX. The parsonage was so run down you could see the ground through the holes in the floor. It was tough and finances were tight which seemed to carry over for many years after they moved back home. I didn't get many toys as a kid. Only at Christmas and birthdays did we receive our simple gifts. And now as adults my brother and I couldn't be any more different. He's a taker, I tend towards giving. He's self centered, I tend towards self giving. ( I don't wanna bash him, so I'll stop there.) My husband grew up VERY poor. (he's an immigrant.) We're talking, no shoes, belly growling, no education, get your first job at 7 poor. We both agreed that being given too much, makes for a sense of self entitlement. I hate to be in the store and hear children demand something of their parents or to hear a parent beg a child over and over to make a choice between 2 toys they neither need or want as evidenced in the countenance of the child. I don't want that for my kids. I'm hoping that by only receiving at special times in their lives they will learn to value their possessions and learn what it feels like to earn and save before spending. So far things look good. My oldest said to me around Thanksgiving time this year, "I'm glad we only get toys twice a year. It makes Christmas so much more fun. I can't wait to see what you get me!"
The moral of my story? The bedroom is now clean. When toys start to creep out of their proper place all I have to do is say, "Christmas is coming." Nuff said.
Did I mention how 4yo loves the tree? She can be found gazing up at the branches, or rearranging the ornaments at anytime right up until Christmas. Our tree gets decorated over and over again by this tree loving little girl.
Labels: Christmas
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Drinking at the Well
"He makes me to lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside still waters, he restoreth my soul."
Indeed he does. I just had a very pleasant experience.
Over the past several months I have been listening to a christian internet radio station called The Well. I stumbled upon it a few months ago when my subscription to IHOP needed to be renewed and I neglected to do it. The Well is a pretty good source for a different kind of praise and worship music. Some refer to it as prophetic. I like to think of it as incense on the alter. It's usually more spontaneous in nature and less commercial (think opposite of Michael W. Smith). Whatever you want to call it, it has been a blessing to me. Sometimes, I really dislike what they play. It almost hurts my ears, but that's more about style than content. I can't stand whiny thin voices infused with a rock type sound. It actually hurts my ears and grates my nerves, but I digress.
Today when i tuned in, much to my surprise, they were playing some nice soaking music. I used to make it a habit to tune in every Wednesday at this time for this particular broadcast. As I sat down, thinking I would just play some nice background music and look ahead to the day's school lessons, I was enveloped in the presence of the Almighty. How refreshing. It has been far too long since I rested in His presence. It used to be a lifestyle for me yet lately it has become more of a memory. How soothing to feel His warmth and love wash over me as I sat here and allowed Him to minister to me.
I've been drinking at the Well- a Well of Living Water.
Labels: christianity
Monday, December 10, 2007
hip flexor, ouch!
Now I understand why football players have to sit out a game for a hip flexor injury. I managed to injure mine,OUCH!
I'm not one for doctors. I don't like to be poked or proded and I especially don't like paying for them. When the pain in my hip became so unbearable that it hurt to walk across the room, or lift my leg into the car, I knew it was time to see somebody about it. I chose my chiropractor. Why go to an m.d. that would just prescribe meds and maybe a few strengthening excercises when I can go and get a total alignment? ahhh...sweet relief for my aching neck, and my now throbbing hip. My hip needed realigned too. When he gave it a tug,...thinking about it hurts. At least now I'm all straight and am sure of what's up with my hip. He said to expect at least a 2 week recovery time. Until it's better I'm left hobbling around. A time like now is when I really mind living alone.
Labels: health
Sunday, December 9, 2007
24 down...
Only 26 to go. I've probably been to more states if you count drive throughs when I was a kid. I didn't count those because I don't really remember much about it. I've also been to Canada and Mexico.
You can create your own map by visiting world66.
Labels: Just for fun
"It was like a ministry for me."
Today my 9yo's girl scout troop went Christmas caroling at a local nursing home. Some of the girls were out of pitch, one got tired and sat down in the middle of a song, the few that played their instruments should have tuned them first, many talked in between songs, but oh, was it precious! I felt so proud of our girls for their willingness to spend a Sunday afternoon with a roomful of elderly people they didn't know. I was proud, that despite the troop leader's lack of musical genius, they were able to make a joyful noise in order to brighten the day. I even was proud of the girls who played their out of tune instruments. When the singing was over, they broke up into groups. One group went to be helpers for craft time, and the other two read Christmas stories. How precious to see the girls helping glue and cut, or read 'Twas the Night and hold up the pictures for all to see.
On the ride home, 9yo said to me, "Mommy, it was like a ministry for me." Oh, how I love this dear child.
My heart is full and smiling.
Labels: christianity, Christmas
Friday, December 7, 2007
Uploading photos
I have really got to dig out my my stuff in order to upload some pictures. I have put it off and put it off. My memory card is finally full, so It's probably high time I take care of it. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy some recycled pics. You may be seeing a lot of them.
Labels: Just for fun
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Musings from the bottom of the freezer
I was so excited and blessed to find a deep freeze for only $40. I couldn't believe I actually found one for this price. Sure, it was larger than the one I had planned to buy new, but for the price, how could I pass it by?
That was before I tried to fill thing. Even cleaning it was a challenge. Before I plugged it in, I was careful to wipe it clean, inside and out. I didn't want to live with dirt from someone else near my food. The outside was fairly straight forward. Just spray and wipe. Next came the lid, a bit more grimy around the seal, but still easy. Then I looked at the cavernous insides. How was I going to reach the whole way to the bottom? I started at the sides. I reached and stretched and was still only able to reach my arm half way down. But what about the bottom?! I thought a while. I tried a stool, but still couldn't get the whole way down. The only other thing I could think of was to crawl inside. What a sight! Vinegar spray in one hand, paper towels in the other and my head and shoulders poking out the top of a deep freeze. The only real problem was that I was wearing slippers with a rubber bottom that left foot prints. I wiped away, and being satisfied, climbed back out of my freezer.
Now the real challenge is filling it. I work from a limited grocery budget. Generous enough that it allows me to buy whole and organic foods if they are on sale, but not so generous that I can run out and buy enough to make my deep freeze look even moderately filled. I'm not looking for full to the brim, just full enough that I can't see the bottom. I despair that it will take me many many months of careful on sale shopping to do it, but by golly the gauntlet is thrown. I will prevail!
Labels: homekeeping
Monday, December 3, 2007
Home again, home again, jiggidy jog
Yesterday I made the trip to hubby's to bring him home. (Our other car needs inspected so I had to make the trip. Hopefully the garage will have the car done today.) It rained and poured on the trip out. It was late when we got there so we camped out on the floor and came home this morning. We ran some errands and then finally made it home. Today makes one feel winter weather has arrived. It is windy and cold and snowflakes are flying. I'm quite glad to be back home where it's somewhat warm inside. The wind and the cold make it feel quite cold inside too.
Hubby just went out on what should have been a half hour errand. The roads iced up while he was out so instead of a half hour it turned into 2 hours!There had been a large head on collision that didn't help either. Now I should remind you that living where we do, we're no strangers to winter weather. He said traffic was only moving at about 10 miles an hour. It wasn't until he was almost home that the state trucks finally made it out to clear up the mess. Let's just say he wasn't in the brightest mood when he got home.
I think we're staying in for the rest of the night. Tomorrow he will make the journey back to work and we will once again be by (or with) ourselves. Usually 1 day with this work obsessed man is enough. He has no idea how to relax. He's used to a frenetic pace and has trouble slowing it down to enjoy a quiet day with the family. I wish he would learn. Everyone should take the time out to stop and smell the flowers-even if they are snow and ice covered. 8)
Labels: weather
Sunday, December 2, 2007
No church today
We had sleet and freezing rain in the night. The roads looked okay here this morning, but the church is way out in the country and one of the members that live close by called to say the roads were slick and sleet covered. 8( Better safe than sorry. I was looking forward to it.
I think I'll watch IHOP later this morning. They have 2 services now, though, so maybe I can catch it a little earlier. I also plan to do a quick tidy up (this is always needed in our oh so small space.) and then make the drive down to see my mom and dad. It's supposed to warm up this afternoon and we both live on well traveled roads, I'm sure it'll be safe.
Labels: weather
Saturday, December 1, 2007
weekend woes
I hate the weekend. I know that may sound crazy but I really do. Weekends are lonely for me. The school week is over, most people have time off to spend with their families. We usually spend it alone. The bright part of the weekend is Sunday when we can go to church and know that the weekend is almost over. Even though it's really just a few hours long, the weekend seems to stretch out forever. Call me crazy, but I'm always glad when it's Monday again.
I feel this way all winter long. At least when it's warm again I can go dig in the dirt or go for a nice cool dip in our teeny tiny pool.
A Silent Prayer
Thoughts swirling
Mind racing
Heart pounding
Guilt deepens
Insecurity drowns
Emotions rising
Memories faded
come into focus
Truth or fiction
Fantasy or reality
Prayers rising
Heart crying
Forgive me
Help me
Show me, please
Fix it
Forget it
Walk away or
Race toward it
Heart still racing
Tears forming
Running down cheeks
as memories linger
Truth or fiction
Fantasy or reality
Forgive me
Help me
Save me, please
I need you
Show me.
Friday, November 30, 2007
I have the worst breath
I do if you don't like the smell of garlic breath anyway.
This morning 4yearold woke up with a sore throat. We were getting ready to go to our co-op and she didn't want to stay home. I decided that I would give her what I usually take when I start to feel yucky. The only problem is that she can't take garlic tablets. I had read that you can crush the whole garlic clove and mix it with honey to give to kids. She loves honey so I didn't think she would put up too much of a fuss. She was excited until she put her tongue on a bit of the raw garlic and swallowed. "Too spicy!" she exclaimed. After a bit of coaxing she took it, but first she had to see her older sister and I take it. I was going to take the tablets anyway because one of the families had a stomach bug this week and decided late last evening they were well enough to come. I didn't want to take any chances.
On the way home this afternoon, my tummy began to ache.(We had a play date with that family the very day the first of them came down with it.) Yuck! I hate to have a stomach bug. As soon as we got home, I took another clove of garlic. Within about an hour and a half my belly started to feel better.
I decided I already have bad breath, why not enjoy it? For my before bed dose I crushed the garlic clove onto a piece of buttered Italian bread. garlic bread without the baking. YUM! This is actually my favorite way to eat Italian bread. I just don't do it that often. I figured today that I'd rather stink than be vomiting. I really am feeling better. Not totally gone yet, but not so achy.
I know my breath is bad because every time I breath out my eyes sting. Now that's some stinky breath! At least nobody else has to smell it. And oh,... it tasted so good.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Personality Types
I found this quick little personality test over at another blog. I think it's pretty accurate. When I read the description of my type I would say it came pretty close. I'm surprised. These kinds of things are usually so general.
So what type are you?
Labels: Just for fun
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Burn Us Up
I always loved the story of the 4th man in the fire. Check it out! ( I happen to love this song by Shane&Shane!)
Won't you burn us in the furnace of Your desire?
Labels: christianity
Taking Care of Business
Did you ever have something you needed to take care of, but just didn't want to? Like an aching tooth that needs filled or a trip to the chiropractor to ease your aching back. I think this is just part of my personality. I don't like to make phone calls about "business." Not personal business anyway. When I did work outside the home, it was never a problem, but for as long as I can remember I have hated to take care of personal business. Right now I have a few things that need taken care of, I know I have a deadline for one of them, but the idea of sitting down and making myself do it seems overwhelming. Isn't that sad? You'd think at my age I would have gotten over it, especially considering that I have a husband who can't (or won't). BTW, I just did the math. I am by myself for 85.7% of the week. I'll eventually buckle down and get to it....maybe even as soon as I'm done checking my email. Once I get started, it's really not so bad.
Labels: lessons learned
Monday, November 26, 2007
"We just spent our last....
$240 dollars on this here puddin."
Does anyone remember that skit from the 90's sketch comedy show The State? I just watched it on youtube. Still hilarious to me after all these years!!
I was curious as to exactly how much that same $240 worth of pudding in 1995 would cost today. I found a nifty little gadget called an inflation calculator. It's major fault is that it only calculates inflation for 2006. I'm gonna guess since everything seems to cost me more money now (even in the last year) that the price would be somewhat higher than the '06 quote.
So exactly how much would that pudding cost today? $314.82.
That's a whole lotta puddin. awwwyeah!

But look at that view behind me.
Labels: Just for fun
time on my hands
I think I have too much time on my hands this evening. The house is clean, the kids fed, dishes are washed, and all the library books are read. I keep wandering around the house. First I sit on the couch, then I get on the computer, then i go back to the couch. We spent most of the day away from home with y mum. She and I didn't do any one thing in particular, other than shop for candle wicks and make a trip out to the farm for some fresh milk.
Maybe I'll dig out one of my favorite books. I haven't read Jane Eyre, Gone With the Wind, or Anne of Green Gables for a while.....
Labels: literature
Cyber Monday
Today is Cyber Monday, which begs the question, are you an online shopper? I have been known to pick up a few things here and there on the net, but for the most part I enjoy getting out for the hands on experience. I like to be able to pick something up, turn it over, shake it, push all it's buttons, and most importantly, see how noisy the darn thing is. 8D
This year I may be doing more of my shopping online. I am finding that as my children are getting older and my husband is away more and more, it's difficult to find the time to shop. I never really have a day alone to even accomplish this. My 4 year old has never known what it feels like for mommy to go off to work, so she's not really keen on staying with someone else-even grandma. I think she's afraid she's missing out on something really exciting. If only she knew that during mommy's last dental appointment she was having a root canal done without the aid of Novocain. (mommy is very hard to numb and no matter how hard the dear old doc tried, it just wasn't working-Those were some of the most painful moments of my life!) She was the one who cried for an hour, not me.
Labels: Christmas
Saturday, November 24, 2007
What to do?
Saturday is here, a fresh new day. It's not only a Saturday, but a holiday weekend. Now I'm faced with the question of what I will do today. What I should be doing it cleaning the house (for the millionth time this week!) I should be vacuuming and making things neat once more. This is one of those days being a domestic engineer is just not sounding fun. Last night during movie time, 4 year old trashed the living room. The lights were off so I didn't realize just how many toys she had drug out of the bedroom to play with. This morning, the light of day shows all-and I even made her pick most of them up before bedtime!
I'd rather be... hmm... that's a tough one. I just know I don't feel like cleaning up today. I guess I'd rather be laughing over a nice hot cup of coffee with my momfriends. They have husbands who are home though (mine is back to work-no rest for the weary), so the weekend is out. Oh, well. I guess I'll just dig in and get the muckin' about over with.
Hope your day is more fun!
Labels: homekeeping
Friday, November 23, 2007
Post Thanksgiving thoughts
We had a very nice Thanksgiving. In recent years this has not always been so. Last year my uncle was left very weak from fighting pneumonia over the summer. The antibiotics ruined his kidneys and his immune system was so compromised. He was so sick. He gave up the battle and died the first part of February.
In addition to recent illness in the immediate family there has been some family friction with the addition of a new in-law. This year seemed to be much more peaceful, even if we walked on eggshells a bit.
The weather today feels much more seasonable. It's COLD and 'spitting' snow. I think it feels extra cold since we had a few very warm days this week.
I have a nice tired out feeling. We rented a few movies which we'll be watching as soon as I hop off the computer.
Be blessed!!
Labels: holidays
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Day before Thanksgiving?
Today is the day before Thanksgiving? Who would have guessed it with temps in the mid 60's? It feels more like the day before Easter. I'll be busy today making dishes ahead of time for our family meal tomorrow. Right now I have a delicious pumpkin cheesecake in the oven. (our house is so hot we have the front door hanging open.) Later I'll be making the sweet potato suffle, greenbeans, and cornbread dressing. All my favorite foods in one meal. Yum! I love thanksgiving. None of the pressure that comes with Christmas giftgiving but all of the fun family type traditions. This year it's back at my Mom's house. I think my favorite part of the day is the day before preperations that my mom and I always share. The best part is just spending the day cooking with my mommy. Then tomorrow before everyone comes, we only have to slide the turkey into the oven, and time the side dishes accordingly. That takes so much of the pressure off of her. I'm glad to help.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Labels: holidays
Monday, November 19, 2007
Baby Silkies
For those of you that have never heard of them, Silkie chickens are a bantam sized chicken(that means small) that are soft and fluffy like goose down. They are oh so friendly and very very cute! One of our hens just hatched out 3 chicks! (I say they're ours because my kids went with grandpa and helped pick them out at a livestock auction and paid for them. They can't live with us, but our hearts are with them.) How cute! The babies are sooo tiny. I took a few pics on my cell phone, my digital was out of batteries. I'll try to get more pics on Thanksgiving when we'll be back to my parents house.
I found these pics on the net at
Partridge Silkie chicks
Photo courtesy of Lisa Stag
Our babies look very similar to this one. I think this one is older than our 3-4 day old babies. Note the little feathers starting to grow in on the wing tips in this image.
Partridge hen
Photos courtesy of Kris Kraeuter, Brushyrun Heritage Poultry
We have a total of 3 of these beauties. Our partridge Roo is just as gorgeous. I haven't found a photo on the net of one that even comes close.
Labels: Just for fun
Thursday, November 15, 2007
No time to blog
To my "many" readers I must apologize for not blogging much lately. I've been very busy around the house. Between homeschooling, regular housework and the regular busy week activities we have been doing some outside work. I know, we started late. This is not my choosing. It was the best I could do. My husband works 2 hours away and is only home one day a week ( he works a full 12 hour day 6 days a week-poor guy). The work that needed done was the kind of heavy lifting work better left to a man. I politely asked my dad several time and finally caught him on a day when he was in the mood to work. Actually, it was a conspiracy. My mom and I bought the stuff and she told him the following day that they were coming over to help me work. So with my dad's help, on one of our yet still warm and sunny days, I put up new plastic on our semi-closed in porch. My plan was to then go pick out a deep freeze and have it delivered, but to my surprise a neighbor of my parents had a used one sitting out for only $40. I was stoked and paid for it. I was even happier when the man offered to deliver (without my asking) for no additional charge. YAYYYYY!!!! I saved around $300 dollars by buying it used. Before the man could deliver it though, we had to make some modifications on the semi-closed in porch. When we bought our place it had a very small patio (3x6ish) that was attached to the house. Under it was a large concrete slab and over the whole slab was a very nice roof. Last fall we closed in the roof area with half lattice and half plywood. It was an improvement but I still thought the small patio was in the way. This year before we could put the freezer out there, we ripped down the patio and left a small landing with some steps into the house. Now it is much more roomy, not only for the freezer, but the kids as well. Now they have some place to ride their scooters or bounce a ball in the middle of winter.
I'm content.
Labels: homekeeping, housework, organization
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
the thoughts of man
Have you ever thought, "If only I could have..." or "If this could happen.... then..."? I'm positive we all have our moments when we wish things could be different from the way they are currently. Have you ever let that wishing go farther? Daydreaming about something to the point it's on your mind night and day. It's with you when you wake in the morning and every quiet moment you have throughout the day, sometimes even the not so quiet moments. It's the thought that constantly lurks at the back of your mind during conversation. It becomes all consuming. I believe this is a trap laid by the "Father of Lies."
Think about it for a moment. When a thought becomes so invasive it's all you think about, are you keeping your mind stayed on the Lord? Are you keeping His word before your eyes/mind day and night? No. It's impossible. What once was a passing thought has now become your secret obsession. Maybe it's even a noble thought like "How can I better serve my husband or family, or how can I give my family more?"
What then are we to do? This is when I personally begin to pray the word. (maybe not at first, but when the Lord has finally brought it to my attention that my thoughts are out of line.) I pray something like, " Lord, your word says that you give me the desires of my heart. I'm asking you to place the correct desires and thoughts within my heart." It's that simple. I give it over to God. If I didn't can you imagine the implications? All those carefully laid traps of the Enemy would come to fruition. Works of the flesh acted upon. Life thrown all out of kilter. Man's heart is fickle. Our own desires may change daily. I thank God that :
" my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD"
Isaiah 55:8
and if we
"Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart"
Psalm 37:4
Labels: christianity, lessons learned
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
got milk?
After looking for several months, we recently found a source for raw milk. (They are the only dairy farm in the county licensed to sell raw milk.) This is the second week we have bought from them. Dd4 loves it! After the first gallon was gone, which only took 2 days versus the normal 7-10 with grocery story milk, she cried and said "I want some more raw milk." This time we bought a gallon and a half. It should last us longer this time because some of the novelty has worn off.
If you have never tried this yummy milk in it's original form, you are really missing out! I am not normally a milk drinker, never was. The thought always grossed me out. Even I, a non milk drinker, really like the stuff. I love that it's from a farm that treats their animals the way I would, and the milk is in the state it was intended to be in. It's so fresh too! We bought our milk at 5:30. They had just finished the milking for the evening and said our milk was from that night. When we came home, we enjoyed milk that was merely an hour "old." It was thick and creamy. It tastes great in coffee too! No need to buy creamer anymore. I simply add the whole milk from the jar without shaking it first. The cream always rises to the top. I can't say enough.
Don't believe me? Read this.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Jason Upton on CBN
One of my favorite artists of all time was on the 700 club yesterday. Somehow I missed it, but found the link on his website. I have listened to Jason Upton's music for several years now. He always is able to put on music and lyric just what my heart is feeling. I have been blessed over and over by his ministry.
Here it is for your viewing pleasure.
Labels: christianity, Just for fun
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Autumn Celebrations
Halloween is officially over. I'm always so glad when we're over that hump. Not that I wish away the fall, because I actually enjoy the season. I simply hate Halloween. I hate the decorations and darkness that comes along with them. I always feel lighter when it's all put away.
I've been looking forward to Christmas for several weeks now. I don't know why. I usually dread all the gift giving and commercialism involved in it too. We try to focus on Jesus as the sent promise, but this is sometimes harder to do with my younger one who asks at every commercial, "Oh, Mommy, will you buy me one of those?" Here is where it gets tricky. If I say "no you can't get everything you want" she then goes into pleeeeaaaassssseeee mode. This child can play this game for hours. I used to just repeat no a few times and then ignore her. Then I started telling her no once or twice followed by "if I have to say it again I'm gonna..." At first she didn't believe me, and it was painful for me to prove to her that mommy does not lie. Now when she asks, "Can you get me that for Christmas?" I can say "maybe for Christmas" and the discussion is over. The bright side of it is knowing that no matter what she gets it will not only be something she likes, but also something she asked for. ( I look for the silver lining in everything.)
We're going to begin decorating for Thanksgiving this week. I think we'll do some leaf rubbings and drawing of pumpkins and such. I also want to focus for the next month on being thankful in all things. There is always a bright side to everything, always a lesson learned even amidst chaos or heartache. While we are preparing for Thanksgiving I am hoping to loosely follow Flylady's holiday Flyjournal. I saved a copy to my files to refer to periodically. It's inspired me to buy, address and send my Christmas cards much earlier this year. Unfortunately I have to wait until payday to buy them, but anticipation always makes a purchase that much sweeter.
Be blessed today.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I haven't blogged for a while. I realize that. It's not for lack of thinking. I think about many things. I could write about Halloween, my faith, homeschool, my endeavours to make my home as homey as possible, or my grocery shopping strategies. I just haven't.
Instead of all those things today I think I'll choose to blog about my reading list.
I've recently started keeping a list of books I want to read. I want to expand my mind beyond it's current horizons. I want to get swept away in a classic story, while filling my brain with new words and ideas. I have just recently read Wuthering Heights. I loved it!!! In fact I like it so well I finished it in 2 days. I'm so thankful for Project Gutenberg. I've not read many books on there yet but would be open to reading more.
Does anyone have any suggestions for some classic literature? Leave a comment with your suggestions.
Labels: literature
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Ain't that a kick in the head?
Today is my regular cleaning day. I went to work and sent DD9 to the living room to pick up all of the children's stuff. When I came out of the bathroom I saw she had disobeyed me. She was in her bedroom. She was still cleaning but not where I told her to be. So I promptly got on her case a little bit about it. "Is that where I told you to go?" She said no and put a book up on the shelf. Just then the overcrowded shelf, that was teetering on falling out, did just that. Everything on 2 shelves went tumbling down. DD looked disgusted and started to pick it up. It needed straightened anyway, it had been about 6 weeks since it had last been organized. As she's going through the carnage, she pops up and says " Look what I found!!!" In her hand was the Phantom Movie Case.
Let me backtrack a little bit. About 6 weeks ago, also on our regular cleaning day, and a day that we were busily getting ready for the upcoming school year, we received an unannounced visit from one of our neighbors. We had just settled down for the night, glad to be seated at last and enjoying a movie. They live a few streets over, and had stopped to tell us that while delivering papers that morning they noticed our trunk was left open. It had started to rain so he closed it, and stopped by to make sure that we hadn't left our keys or anything in it. His kid came running in, even though we didn't know them. I made him stand on the porch and I blocked the doorway with my body-I wasn't about to allow a strange man into my house while I was alone with my children. He stayed a long time and rambled on for an hour at 9:30 at night. I kept trying to get the little girl out without being rude. I was saying things like, "your daddy's leaving now," hoping he would take the hint. He did eventually. We finished the movie and plodded off to bed.
The next day, I asked DD9 to please take the movie out of the dvd player and put it away. It was then we realized the case, which contained all of the children's favorite movies, was nowhere to be found. I did a calculation of the dollar amount lost and quickly realized the total was well over two hundred dollars. I stopped counting after that. Our tiny home had been gleaming, but we tore it apart again searching for those movies. DD9 said out of the blue" I think that little girl stole it. " I them gave her a lecture about how we shouldn't jump to conclusions and that if she had put the case away after getting out her movie, that it wouldn't have been lost. " But she was playing with it, and bragging about how much stuff she could load into her pockets and nobody would know because her shirt was so baggy. I think she stole it." she lamented. I assured her that the movies were here, ...somewhere. For 2 days we put our house back together over and over again as we looked for the movies. After looking EVERYWHERE (at least we thought) we could not find them.
Yes, I decided, maybe the little girl did take them. I told the Dc we'd pay the "neighbor" a visit. My plan was to casually stop by and in conversation ask the little girl where she may have placed our movie case after she had looked through it. I thought I would play dumb and say we just can't keep track of things. We tried to visit them on many occasions. Every time we made the walk or bike ride over, they were not home. After a few weeks we had given up. The movies were lost and this was a good lesson on when you get something out, put it away. Also, don't let strangers in the house, even little ones.
Yesterday after coming home from co-op, DD4 asked if she could watch Charlie Brown. This was a fairly new set, a present from last Christmas and one of the few movies still in it's original case- or so I thought so I gave her my permission. DD9 then pipes up, "uh-uh, she can't watch it, they were in the movie case too." I was angry all over again. New movies, favorite movies,...hundreds of dollars-gone.
So, what was lost is now found. And it was in our house the whole time. Now I have to tell you, I wasn't really surprised. Today, when DD9 found that movie case among the things that had fallen off the shelf, I immediately thought two things. 1. See, (I'm thinking first then saying out loud) we shouldn't jump to conclusions. 2. I guess we hadn't checked EVERYWHERE.
Oh, the dreaded cluttery shelf. It had looked so clean that day the neighbor stopped by that we looked right past the case, and it quickly became cluttered which had covered it up. This is yet another lesson. Don't procrastinate. I could see that shelf needed cleaning. I just wasn't "in the mood."
Ain't that a kick in the head? It was here all along.
I thank the Lord that the neighbor was never home all those times we had planned to pay them a visit. Had they been home, we may have caused hurt feelings, no matter how sugary we tried to coat the question.
Labels: lessons learned, organization
Thursday, October 11, 2007
The Lord's Day
I have been reading a blog for a while that is very thought provoking. I appreciate this dear lady as she is a homemaker, a follower of Christ, and desires to be the best she can be. Recently she has posted about a new concept (for me anyway) about keeping sabbath. She provided a few links that I read and even bookmarked for further research. I have also decided to do some research of my own. I have been reading and reading as often as time permits. I can honestly say I haven't changed my position on how I keep a day separate unto the Lord, but I have sure enjoyed learning.
I love to learn. I love to explore new ideas. Sometimes I have changed my position on where I stand concerning some things, but that has been the exception, not the rule. I strive to follow the Lord's leading, not the leading of man. If I were to follow man, he would surely lead me down many wrong paths, in circles, and sideways. Even though I have sat in a church pew all of my life ( with the exception of a few years), and I have sat under a lot of teaching, I have not always gone the way of church doctrine. I have chosen instead to use my mind that God blessed me with and read the scriptures and allow God alone to lead me. This has often resulted in my not agreeing with the position of those in authority over me or fellow believers in Christ. I did not stop respecting those persons, but chose to continue to love and honor them as fellow believers and therefore my brother or sister.
I can't say I always did this. When I was a child I thought like a child. I followed my elders' examples and thought the way they thought because it must be right. I have since put away childish things and become a "man." My thinking has matured along with my attitudes and beliefs.
My dd and I had a conversation just the other day in the car. She was asking about denominations and why we have them. I loved having the opportunity to share with her once again that the way of men is folly. Men get so prideful and wrapped up in there own ideas that they insist that everyone else must be wrong. They take a bible verse out of context, both historical and biblical, and draw a line in the sand. They decide it's this way, no other and therefore lose sight of the forest and see only one tree. When that happens arguing ensues and yet another church split takes place. Sad indeed. How are we to show the love of Christ to the world, when we can't show it to one another?
Maybe another day I'll be able to articulate just how I feel about sabbath. Maybe I won't even bother trying. After all it's not about what I think, but rather about what God does.
Labels: christianity, sabbath
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Some of you may remember that line from an old (80's ?) pop song. Recently it's been on a commercial. Today it's the title of my blog.
I awoke feeling pressure and yes, singing the tag line to that song. P-p-p-pressure, coming down on me... Let me explain.
While I consider my family to be a homeschooling one, we are probably more accurately a school at home family. We are part of a VA. (that's virtual academy for those of you not in the know). This is not exactly the place I want to be in, but one that is a compromise for my family. My husband was not a fan of the idea of homeschooling (after all...HIS tax dollars pay for a public school education...) and I just could not send my innocent 5 y.o. off to a place that she cried over every time you mentioned the word (school). After some quick research we found a public VA that uses the curriculum I had been wanting to use, or at least check into using, for a few years before my DC was even school aged. I had always hoped to home school. A public VA gives me the option of teaching my DC at home, while using my husband's tax dollars to pay for a top notch curriculum. We are reimbursed for internet (half anyway... they still think people are actually using dial-up) and are loaned a very nice pc and printer. Those are the positives.
The pressure comes in as the negative. Because we are technically public schoolers, we have to jump through all the public school hoops. The one I dislike the most is what the school calls "teachers" and our bi-monthly conferences we are required to have with them. I have a problem calling them teachers. I do all the instruction-the teaching. I would rather call them payed paper pushers- Or the VA KGB. In our 5 years of being with the va, we have yet to be taught anything from a teacher. They collect our portfolio samples, make sure we're doing our work, inform us of yet another policy change, etc, but not teach. Let's not get it twisted. I am my child's teacher. I am the one that taught this child to read, and write, and appreciate history. I am the one that has to deal with her crying over her frustrations in struggling with a concept or miscommunication with her teacher.
Pressure comes from going to bed at night realizing that you have a conference tomorrow. It comes from waking up in the morning thinking that today is the day. I've not sent in samples yet, we've not hit some controversial deadline that I was told isn't really a deadline one day, and the next told that indeed it was, and I don't enjoy my conversations with the kgb.
So first thing this morning, I went to the post office and mailed the samples. I showed dc the math questions her teacher wants to go over, and now I will finish this post so I can log into our online conference.
Labels: homeschooling, schooling at home
Thursday, October 4, 2007
My Employment Manual
Flylady calls it a Control Journal. Candy calls it a Home Management Binder. I call it my Brain, my Duty Journal or my Employment Manual. What it really is is a large 3 ring binder with all my little notes and schedules all put together in one place. I always kept schedules and checklists and chore charts, but I never had them all in one permanent place that they wouldn't' get lost or destroyed. This spring I ran across Candy's blog and started reading about her binder. I then popped over to flylady and found she had something called a control Journal. How had I missed reading about this before?
At first I must admit that Candy's scheduling annoyed me. (Sorry, Candy if you're reading this.) It seemed too good to be true. It probably annoyed me because it was an area I had been struggling with at the time. Anyway, I let the idea marinate a while and then decided that in order to make meal planning much easier I would give one of these binders a go. I'm glad I did. I now have a place to keep track of all the stuff that got lost before- lists, phone numbers, vitamins, homeschooling , and more. I have been blessed since implementing the use of my Brain.
Mine isn't nearly as fancy as some. It's just a simple 3 ring binder with a pocket on the inside. None of the pages are fancy or decorated. Most of them were made by hand using a ruler and pencil until I'm certain how I want to keep things or find a printout I like.
I have extra page protectors in the back and a clip in zip pocket in the front with pens, pencils, dry erase and post it notes. I never have trouble finding a pen anymore.
Section 1 is my Routines/to-do's/calendar. It may seem silly to write simple things down like get dressed, make bed and brush teeth, but on those winter mornings when I have the blahs, it will be helpful to look at my Brain instead of having to try to function on my own. I have morning, afternoon, and evening/before bed routines written down. They are more like a to-do checklist. After my schedule comes my August-June calendar. I really made it to write down our home school goals and schedules so I need to make another for my own personal stuff.
Section 1 also has my master weekly schedule. Here I have the days that run across the top and times that run down the side. Here is where I remind myself that Tuesday garbage goes out and Wednesday cans come in. You get the idea.
Section 2 is food. Here I have my personal menu plans and ideas as well as the one for our co-op. Really, making the co-op lunch plans is what inspired me to start doing the same for our own home. I like variety, and get bored with the same kinds of food over and over. Thus far I have not repeated a recipe in 5 weeks. Next week I may begin repeating. I try a new recipe every week, and incorporate the tried and trues in as well.
Section 3 is Bible study-pretty self explanatory.
Section 4 is herbal remedies as well as homemade cleaning product recipes. I love to make them. They not only save money, but are better for the environment and my family.
Section 5 is phone numbers, emergency contacts etc.
Section 6 is homeschooling calendar.
Section 7 is a list of samples I want to save for school portfolio.
After that Is extra page dividers, loose leaf, a clipboard and page protectors. I'm always ready to add another section, and I know I will.
Some people post pictures of their books. I dont want to take that kind of time.
It really has been a blessing to me and my family. I no longer am fluster from misplacing a paper or disgusted when it's suppertime and don't know what to cook. I'm not as scheduled as Candy, but I'm not Candy. I'm me and that's how God wants me to be.
If you've not put together a binder of your own, you can cruise over to flylady or Candy's and follow their directions or you can play around with what you have and make up your own.
Labels: homekeeping
i hate to be sick
I think I've come down with a cold. Oh, man, do I hate em. Even though it's a mild one, it's still an illness and I hate to be ill. I hate waking up in the night with my mouth and throat so dry that I can't even swallow. I really hate that! I usually wake up because I'm having a nightmare that I can't talk or something. That happened last night. I really hate feeling achy and sluggish and I hate that I can't sing without straining my voice or sometimes not at all- many colds have lead to complete laryngitis. I just hate being sick in general.
I have within the last year figured out how to greatly shorten the length and severity of a cold. I was out of town when this one first hit so I wasn't able to take immediate action. Last year I discovered cold m.d. It works for me and my children if you can take it at the first hint of a cold. Also, I add lots of vitamin c and garlic. If the cold actually manifests( many times if I catch it before it has time to ramp up it wont last more than a day or two) then I add echinecea to the mix to help fight infection and elderberry syrup (better known as sambucol) as an antiviral. Since the birth of my youngest I've been prone to colds leading to ear problems. I've actually lost my hearing in both ears twice. I was able only to pick up vibrations and faint sounds if looking directly at the source of the sound. The doctor wanted me to see a specialist, but we don't have insurance so that was out of the question.
So you can see why I hate colds. I have either lost my voice, hearing, or both.
Labels: health
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
There's No Place Like Home
Ahhhh.... Home at last. I had hoped our business would end on Sunday, and it did partially. After church we had a leisurely lunch and spent the rest of the afternoon outside. Hubby works out of town and wouldn't get a day off this week, so we decided to visit him instead of going home. (We always spend Sunday with my parents.) I really had only planned to stay 1 night and then come home around lunchtime. The kids were so happy to be with daddy that they wanted to stay longer. We went to the store, bought a big jug of bleach and a mop, and spent the next several hours cleaning and wiping every surface we could.
Let me explain. My husband is a chef. To make money he needed to head out of our smaller town and work in the city. He shares an apartment with other men that do the same thing (currently only one as the restaurant is short a person.) This apartment is not a home to any of them. It is merely a place to crash after their hard 12 hour days. Are you getting the picture? Nothing ever gets cleaned. Oh, to Hubby's credit he said he had vacuumed his room 2 weeks ago and he did buy a new shower curtain. It still was grimey. So grimey you wear your shoes everywhere. Anyway, a few hours labor took care of all the gross grime.... the worst part is always the bathroom. Men away from home quickly revert to pigs in the potty. ...
So after it was scrubbed and bleached (-a quick note here, my homemade dry laundry detergent worked wonders on the greasy floors!!) the children decided it was a rather nice place to be so we spent another night with daddy. The following day I planned to leave when daddy left for work, but the children had other plans. They weren't quite ready to go, so we did school, played a while and finally departed around 5. Supper time, but I was determined to not stop until we had put some distance between us and the apartment. Every exit along the road that had somewhere to eat I would do a hunger check and they always said they could wait a little longer. To the kids credit we didn't stop until we were a half a hour from home(1 1/2 hours from daddy's apartment.) There we splurged on a steakhouse dinner. Salad bar, steak tips, baked potato and frozen yogurt for dessert. Yummm. Hunger really is the best seasoning.
We made it home shortly before bedtime. I checked email, read some blogs, and then talked to hubby when he got off work. Bedtime was too late and we slept in this morning, but it was worth it. The kids got to see daddy, his apartment got a much needed cleaning, and I came home with a paycheck.
Really after such a busy week I can identify with Dorothy. "There's no place like home."
Labels: homekeeping
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Our week so far
Our week so far has been busy, busy, busy. Everyday since Monday we've had something to keep us busy from early Morning until supper time or later. Today is no exception. I'll be glad when it's Sunday afternoon and we can finally just rest. The lunch dishes will be washed, Sunday school and church will be over, and we will be able to finally enjoy a day of rest. ahhh.... just thinking about it relaxes me.
Somewhere between all these have-to's and want-to's we still are able to squeeze in our homeschooling. Yesterday we loosely followed a block schedule. We'll probably do that today too. I used to do more block scheduling, but I find as the subjects get progressively harder the dc need less information and more time to process.
How about you? How do you fit it all in when the day seems never ending?
Labels: homeschooling
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
We are one?
I feel a little sad today as i take a quick preview of some of the blogs I have read lately. Why do people feel they must bash others over the head with religion, not only religion, but their own personal brand? I feel sad that so many have lost the true message of the Gospel. That where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom(2 cor.3:17). It says nothing about condemnation. In fact, the word says "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."(Romans 8:1) And whatever happened to "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."(John 13:35) ?
I think this is what's broken among the Christian movement today. We've forgotten that Jesus came to set at liberty the captives( to sin and the curse of sickness, poverty, and death). He paid it all, in full. If we are truly motivated my love, then yes, we want to see people come to the saving knowledge of Christ. We shouldn't desire to tell them that after they've accepted Christ's perfect sacrificial gift, that if they don't do x,y, and z then they are no longer saved or not serving God. Why are we in such a hurry to see people saved only to tell that they are still going to hell? Let's allow the Holy Spirit to finish the work in each individual. He is faithful and true and will indeed, lead us and guide us into all truth. He who began the perfect work will see it through to its completion. Let love have her perfect work.
I'm not saying we can live any way we want because once saved always saved. I'm not. What I am saying is let's give it all to God and allow him to work in people's lives. If He wants to them to worship on Saturday instead of Sunday, he will lead them. If he wants the women to quit cutting their hair or crank it up under a covering, he will lead them. If He want wants them to quit wearing makeup or start, he'll lead them. He doesn't need someone else to bash them over the head with the message he wants to get across. And if a person does or does not do these things, let us allow God to be God and judge us all accordingly.
Let's remember and do Christ's words "By this all men shall know you are my disciples, that you have love one for another."
And to quote a less important man, " Can't we all just get along?"
Here's the lyrics to one of my favorite songs and a link to the song . (I have no affiliation with the site and haven't viewed anything other than the song.)
Jason Upton does his own rendition.
Jason Upton - We Are One In The Spirit Lyrics
More Jason Upton Lyrics...
Labels: christianity, church
Monday, September 24, 2007
I noticed as I go preview my page that I have omitted words or letters and may have not have everything spelled correctly. Please be patient. I am not always the best speller, and I will eventually go back and fill in the words or letters I may have missed.
Here's and intersting tid bit....
Did you konw that even when words are spelled bckawrds or out of oredr that we will still read them correctly? I'm nto very good at repilcatng it, but you get teh idea. 8)
testing, testing 1,2, 3
Check. check.
Alright, enough with the silly sound checks.
I don't really have anything to say right now. I'm currently using the blog feature at myspace, but myspace is a waste. A waste of time and energy. Mostly I just like to journal to myself about whatever is happening or sometime an earthshattering or not so much earthshattering thought I may have. I've been a reader of a few of my favorite blogs for a little under a year now and once I figure out how to use blogger I'll link to them- with their permission of course.
That's it for today.
God bless!
Labels: Just for fun