Day 3 of our advent reading did not disappoint. Once again we return to the Creation story, to the saddest part of possibly the whole Bible as Ann says, The Fall.
And yet even in our sin. Even in our desire to hide and cover up God is gracious to us. He didn't thunder down from heaven at the moment we entered into sin. No. He came quietly calling for us in the cool of the day. "Where are you?"
Oh, how He love us!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Advent 12.1 Come Jesus
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
We are reading through Ann Voskamp's Jesse Tree devotional for the first time this year. In years past I've wanted to make a Jesse Tree but missed the first few days and being the perfectionist that I am thought it wasn't "right" if we didn't do it all.
I have not been disappointed. That Ann knows how to put into words the very feelings of my heart. There are very few times when her writing doesn't bring tears to my eyes.
Today's reading began at the beginning, where all good love stories start. In the beginning God created us, from nothing. I always love to start the story of Christ there too. I'm so glad Ann went this route!
This hymn, while not a "Christmas" hymn goes along great with our reading.
Friday, November 26, 2010
It's raining, it's pouring.....
I'm still wearing my galoshes. I've also added an inflatable raft.
Life has just not been treating me kindly these past few months. I won't go into detail other than to say it is highly personal and very familiar territory.
I was stepping out of the shower the other day and had been praying and said to the Lord something like:
"I don't understand why I keep going down this same path over and over and over again. Each time I think I've finally taken the right steps to continue on my journey and yet here I am, passing the same tree, noticing the same rocks and patches of weeds. When will I finally find the right path, learn this lesson, so that I may circle around another tree? Please, Lord, help me to learn what it is you want me to learn, act the way you want me to act, and to get off this rocky precipice."
I think what makes this so particularly hard is that much of the "battle" is out of my hands. I have so few choices. The ones I do have seem equally bad and here I am trying to choose the lesser of the evils. The problem is that I just can't be sure I'm choosing correctly. I read my Bible and pray and the only answer I seem to be getting is "wait. stand."
Just stand. It seems so simple to just stand but really is one of the most difficult things I've ever done.
~Standing still. Waiting on the Lord. Trusting that He will carry me through all these difficult days and place me in the ark of his love.~
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
-Ephesian 6:10-17
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
We finally caught Mr. Mousie!!!! It took 5 nights of setting more and more traps,the little booger managed to extricate himself off a glue trap first, but WE GOT HIM!
That little dirty beggar was ridiculously hard to catch. In fact so much so that I had almost convinced myself that he had found his way out of the house until I saw all the fur he left behind on the glue trap. I am so pleased he is now DEAD.
12yo was my hero on Sunday. I couldn't even look at the trap much less take it out. I thought I was going to have to knock on one of the neighbors' door and ask one of them to dispose of it, but she finally looked at me bravely and said she thought she could do it. She wrapped her arm in 3 shopping bags, turned her head and reached in.
I am so glad that ordeal is over. My nerves could not take it any longer. We had to spend 2 nights at my mom and dad's house.
That's the last I hope I ever have to deal with a mouse. At least for another 10 years!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Here's a tip: Never leave your front door hanging open this time of year to air out cooking odors. We did Tuesday night and I happened to look over and see "something" run through the front door. I convinced myself that I was imagining things and put the kids to bed and waited up for my husband. When he got home he was relaxing in front of the computer to wind down before bed. I heard him say, "A mouse?!" Well, let’s just say there was crying, and jumping up on furniture, and lots of "kill it!!!!" exclamations. Finally my husband looks at me and says sharply, "It's just a mouse.”
Just a mouse? JUST a mouse? Oh I thought he knew me better than that! By this point the kids are u p, I'm in hysterical tears. Tired but can't go to sleep. My children had to walk me to the bathroom. Ya know..Just in "case."I'm trying to shove Isaac out the door to go buy traps to make sure it gets dead before morning. He wasn't really complying so I threw on my clothes and made a 3:30 am run to Wal-Mart-with my kids in tow, because by this point I had sufficiently freaked them out as well. By 4:30 the traps were set and I was finally in bed-in my kids room because my husband had seen the mouse try to run under our bedroom door. He scared it away and plugged up the bottom of the door, but the TERROR. I just could not get anywhere near that door.
It’s now Thursday morning. I have traps and glue traps and combo glue/snap traps set up all through my living room and kitchen. –Still no caught mouse. It was here FOR SURE yesterday morning because both girls saw it running around near my computer area. Maybe it found a way into the bedrooms despite the fact that my husband nailed thick pieces of foam under the door jams. (okay, maybe he understands the depths of my terror a little bit.) MAYBE it found a way out yesterday while we were running around with hubby like he says. MAYBE. But just to be safe…I’m buying so me more traps!
My only problem is what I’m going to do if I catch it…who’s gonna take it out of my house because you know where I’ll be?
Standing in the bathtub, waiting for the coast to be clear!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
When it rains...
Sometimes life is bright and sunny other days it seems to be a little cloudy. Sometimes it pours buckets.
I have been wearing my galoshes!
Death is never a good thing. 2 deaths in one week is just terrible. 2 vehicles breaking down in the midst of it all is just plain mean.
And all that meanness makes me feel mean right back. It must be the way I grieve sometimes. I just haven't felt like coddling people (including my poor, equally grumpy husband). There is nothing I would like more than to spend a few days with "my peeps" but I have found that maybe those "peeps" really aren't the peeps I thought they were. None of my friends have called to see how we're doing. One emailed and said they knew they should call, but then never followed through.
I'm either really too sensitive right now, or else finally seeing clearly. I really thought my friends would in some way rally round and find out how we were. Instead, I got a canceled play date, via email, and an a quick email about feeling the need to call but not doing it. I just don't feel in the mood to chase people down and make then care about me.
So here's the memo people....It's not my job to make you care. It's not my job to chase you down and make you be friends with me. It's not my job to do your job!
And here's the other memo, grumpy person who shall remain "nameless:" The a/c going out in a car is not a life crisis that requires the immediate purchase of a newer vehicle to make you feel better!!!
Until next time, when the sun is once again shining....
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Do you think it's possible... die from embarassment? If so then it's a good thing I know I am right with the Lord!
I have this slight problem with perfectionism, and if I can't do something perfectly I don't want to do it at all. And if I do something right, but everybody else doesn't and I look like I messed up, then it's even worse.
Lets just say I am having one of those moments that I may never allow myself to live down, but that has probably already been forgotten by everyone else!
Bruised knees heal. Bruised pride festers. Learning to love self is the hardest lesson of all. Teach me Lord!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Day 177
Oh, my! How time does fly! I can scarcely believe that we are on day 177 of 180 of our school year! It seems like the months have just flown by!
Here is a quick recap of our year:
-Girl #2 started her first "official" year of homeschooling. Other years were pretty hit and miss. This is the first year that she actually had a planning page filled out in my teacher's book.
-Girl #2 also started Girl Scouts which started off as a total unplanned disaster but has since come into harmonious planning and execution. I took over as co-leader in February sometime.
-Girl #1 has grown a gazillion inches (yes, it's an official unit of measurement!) and is now older, taller and more mature than I could ever have imagined she would be when I held her as a mere babe. *sniff, sniff* MOVING ON!
-Co-op as we knew it officially came to it's official end this year. While I knew it was over much earlier on in the year our last coop was a week ago. No I was not even sad. I've become more...un-caring about it over the past year. I've taken a "who needs 'em?!" attitude. Can any one say "self preservation?"
-Girl #2 started reading words and short sentences. Yes, she still reads backwards in mirror images at times, but she has begun to read Bob Books and so we have made improvement. She is still on my "watch" list for learning difficulties.
-Girl #1 worked tirelessly on her Junior Scout Bronze award, as an individual when her troop decided the needs of animals came before the needs of people. She is finishing up her final hours of service needed to complete a total of 15.
-Girl #1 also became the darling of Daisy Troop by being at every meeting (except 1 that I made her stay home from just so the troop leaders wouldn't take her for granted-this was before I became co-leader.) She is the unofficial big sister to every Daisy scout and they love her. Who woulnd't?!
-I experienced NO WINTER BLUES! Yippee!! This is truly a miracle and one to give thanks for! I did however come down with a 3 week belly ache that made me feel like if it didn't stop soon it was time to see a doctor.
In conclusion, that is all I can think of for now! LOL! More later?
Friday, April 30, 2010
Fingers Crossed
I think I'm sleeping again. It may have something to do with my taking Nyquil due to having caught a cold, but I'm sleeping.
Sleep is pure bliss! I don't know why people purposefully do without it!
And the other great news?! It's almost May-almost the end of the school year. Almost time to do nothing everyday but relax and ramble in the outdoors. Oh, I love summer!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
2:40 am and counting.....
Guess who's tired, been to bed and is back up again at 2:35am? Yup. Can't sleep. I can't figure this out! I've had no caffeine, feel no stress and have no "irons in the fire." I feel tired so I go to bed, turn off the lights and snuggle into my pillow. Just about that time I discover my brain thinks it is time to be wide awake! Not in the mood relaxing tea(besides who wants to turn on the kettle in the middle of the night). Maybe I'll try some sudoku.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
3:07 am
So here's the thing. I have been having some sleep issues. I feel tired, only to go to bed and not be able to fall asleep. I have also struggled with some random anxiety issues these past few months too. I don't like it. The sleeplessness is probably related to the anxiety although when I haven't been able to sleep I haven't felt anxiety.
And yes, I am tired.
And yes it is the middle of the night.
And yes, I have been waking up at the same time every morning.
Now how do I get over this hurdle of not sleeping? My eyes say sleep yet it still alludes me. My mind is not clear enough to make clear, interesting sentences. Please be kind.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Just Breath....
I have been away a long, long time. I have to say life is just getting too busy to take a minute to blog about it. Currently we are in the throws of Girl-Scout-a-palooza 2010. Now that both girls are official enrollees and I am in the process of becoming a leader it seems like all we do is school and scouts. Somewhere in there we also manage to eat and pick up a few things from the floor to keep it from swallowing us.
I keep reminding myself that Scouts are an activity NOT who we are but the organization itself is so busy and full that it quickly swallows up real life. I am working to find a balance in there some place. I don't know WHAT I was thinking when I agreed to be a leader too. WHY??
I am so glad that the Lord has gently prompted me to not allow it to become bigger than Him. Do not allow the memory work and the crafts to replace the more important memory work and the special times we take worshiping in our own ways. This is harder than one would think when there is just so much activity to be attended. I am working, often failing, but still reminded to keep First Love first.
By His Grace....
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Free Meat?!
What's not to love about a title like that?! Head on over to Kelly the Kitchen Kop's to learn how to win $80.00 worth of meat products from U.S. Wellness Meats.
I can taste it already! (if only I could ever win these things!!!)
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Baby it's Cold outside!
As my experience in homeschooling increases, I'm finding it increasingly easier to find creative ways of logging in learning time. For instance, this week it has been cold here, really cold! However, Friday the sun was shining. Poor 6yo is so ready for outside play and began to be excited that the sun was shining! She just had to know if she was permitted to go out to play. The way she was asking made me feel at first that she feels like she's never allowed outside until I realized that she's used to not being permitted to play computer or watch tv during "office hours."
I had to encourage her to be sure to bundle up! The sunshine is deceptive. When the sun is shining and the sky looks so blue, it's easy to forget that the thermometer may only read 12*.
As I watched her bundle up I was suddenly aware of my own cooped up feeling. Too much time indoors with no sunshine makes for a gloomy feeling. So I bundled up and went out with her. As soon as we stepped outside the cold hit us like a brick wall. It may have been sunny but it was so cold and windy. We had to warm up and my mind immediately thought of a book I had just read about a girl surviving alone on the Northern Tundra ("Julie of the Wolves" ...good read!)
"1,2, 3, GO!" I yelled and we took off! Running and running races back and forth in the yard until the cold air made it too difficult to breath. By that time 12yo had heard all the excitement and decided to join us. Just in time for a nature walk.
Remembering what I had read about winter challenges we set off in the direction of some cattails. Just about that time the wind whipped up even stronger. The cold began to really sink in, but still we pressed on.
We managed to make it to the cattails and have a quick look, but the girls and I were SO COLD. Hastily I reached out and snapped one off to bring inside.
Once inside we inspected it and 6yo promptly decided to keep it forever! The rest of the day was spent leisurely working through a few subjects. Yes we accomplished some "book work" and I didn't even feel guilty about how little we actually covered. I'm learning to sit back, and enjoy all the small moments. Next time, I hope I have a better camera to take along. If we're going to suffer through all that wind it would be nice to have a picture or two to help document it!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
This and That
It's been a while since I last typed up a post. I've been feeling a little disjointed. Not really winter blue, not sad, or even yucky-just disorganized and unable to pull it together. I guess one can't have it all, so if I have to "fail" in some area this is the one I don't mind failing in right now. This may sound strange, but I gotta tell ya: I'll take a little disorganization over the winter blues ANY DAY! One can always clean, but it's quite difficult to feel good when the body isn't cooperating!
That stomach bug made it through all 3 of we girls. It was the strangest bug I've ever had. My stomach just hurt and felt uncomfortable for several weeks. WEEKS! No fever,vomiting or diarrhea though so I guess we fared alright.
On the positive side, January was a low grocery expenditure month for us! We ate what we felt we could from out of the freezer and cupboard. Little to no meat for several weeks which was okay. One night I was simply craving protein. Luckily I had 1 frozen steak and the girls didn't want any meat so I was able to cook it up for myself.
I think we're finally through it, but the past few nights Hubby has been complaining about his stomach not feeling quite right. Uh-oh!
The girls have be plugging away at school (although not accomplishing as much as I would like). The days have been cold but are noticeably longer so we've been still enjoying them just from the inside. Spring will be a welcomed site!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Peach Cobbler
I won't bore you with the details, but lets just say that after a week long battle with a stomach bug, I have yet to get the whole eating thing back on track. I am using it as an opportunity to cook out of the pantry. Someone might as well enjoy themselves with a little comfort food-Even if that someone isn't me. :p (feeling a little green!)
Microwaved Peach Cobbler
1 bag (approx. 4 c.) frozen peaches
1 T. cornstarch
1/3 c. brown sugar
1/3 c. water
spray or butter a glass dish (I used a deep pie pan) stir together ingredients Microwave on high power 6-8 minutes until it begins to thicken
stir in a generous pat of butter +1 T. lemon juice
2T butter
1 egg
1/2 c. sugar
1/2 c. self rising flour
1 t. cinnamon
while peach mixture is cooking: soften butter in bowl over warm water. Beat in egg, sugar self rising flour and cinnamon.
spoon over peach mixture. Microwave additional 10 minutes. (spooning liquid over dumplings the last 2 minutes of cooking)
Serve warm with milk or vanilla ice cream.
I modified this recipe just a little from an recipe. While it is not exactly grandma's peach cobbler, it is quick and easy which is great if one wants to serve the family a treat but doesn't want to spend much time in the kitchen. Next time I will not add all that sugar to the peaches. We found them to be a bit too sweet. (of course, despite our recent holiday splurges, we're still not eating much sugar)
Labels: recipes
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
It was the cookies.
I blame it all on the cookies. I was doing so well with my whole healthy eating thing. Then Christmas came and I just couldn't imagine a Christmas without a few cookies and I resolved to bake some with less sugar. Suncrystals makes a great stevia/sugar blend for baking. I did well. I made a few batches (I went with a gingersnap, oatmeal, and Italian walnut cookies) and kept a few for us and gave some away to a diabetic friend.
Great. Yummy. I had a few cookies on Christmas.
Then Santa went and done did it! He brought us all chocolate truffles in our stockings and since I had already eaten a few cookies, what did a few truffles matter? And then what did a few more matter. And then since I had already caved to sugar, what did the rest of them matter. And then there was the crackers, and basically otherwise considered "healthy" snacks.
Sent me over the EDGE! Yup! Cuz right now?...I am going to pull a small batch of sun crystal oatmeal raisin cookies out of the oven.
I have to get the crap foods back out of my diet. I have felt bloated and otherwise intestinally disrupted. I know it's the sugar (and flour!)
But before I get back on the health food train I'm going to eat a few more cookies and milk. Then I'll sit down and make out a shopping list and begin the begin once more.
BLAST those oh, so good cookies!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Oh I really should be sleeping!
But I am not. I am however about to go to bed!
Before I do I wanted to let you know that there are a few t hings that I am jumping up and down over...LITERALLY!Item 1: the international house of prayer website (that's IHOP for those of us "in the know") has just made their webstream completely free ALL THE TIME!!! YIPPEEE!!! I can't tell you what a blessing ihop has been to me over the past few years. While I've never actually been to the "campus" I feel so much a part of the whole ministry and was extremely proud when they were featured on The 700 Club a few weeks ago. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that I can turn on the prayer room and join with others in the 24/7 prayer/praise movement. WHOOPEEEE!
Item 2: The Read the Bible in 90 days challenge has started back up. Today was day 1 so you still have time to get in on the action without feeling like you've fallen too far behind. I sadly didn't complete the challenge over last summer, but I really enjoyed trying! It really was such a blessing to be reading such a substantial amount of the Word everyday. Here is a handy-dandy link for a bookmark with the reading schedule. (not the official site, but easier to just click and print.)
Off to bed now....squeeee!!!