Saturday, December 13, 2008


Ewww! A huge flock of black birds just flew by the window. It actually darkened the sky a little. Ew!

now,...what was I going to write???? ....

I spent the week trying to get into the groove of a new schedule. Our old one just hasn't been cutting it for us lately.

The new schedule looks something like this:

Sunday Monday-like regular weekend days. Our days to relax, spend time with family. Unless on a Monday Hubs is not off. Then it's a regular work/school day. (This week we were off.)

Tues-Saturday-Schooldays (with the above exception)
Tuesday is recovery day. The day we recover from having a busy day with daddy the day before. This is the day I'll try to make regular grocery store day.
Wednesday -scouts and library day. Also the day to stop by the store for milk or bread if needed (it's on the way home).
Thursday cleaning day (moved from Saturday). This is the day we'll do the Big Clean. Also the day for the Walmart run. (groceries or last minute co-op items.)
Friday is co-op day. Relaxing, yet still productive.
Saturday- a lighter school day. A day to squeeze in a bit of whatever didn't get finished through the week. Also the day we have dinner with my parents.
Everyday is a tidy up day. You know, go through every night and get things put back where they belong. It helps cut down on clutter.

When 5yo was a baby we always schooled on Saturdays. 10yo didn't know any better. She just thought it was a regular school day. Today was the first Saturday we've schooled for a few years. She balked a little. We managed to get through 2 maths. We'll do some music later on and some language arts sprinkled sometime throughout the day.

It was hard for me to not go through and start the usual Saturday morning routine. Especially since the house only got a lick and a promise on Thursday. My back was too ouchy to do much more. I'll make up for it Monday.

Tonight we're off to a a colonial village to take part in an old fashioned Christmas. Should be fun.

OH! History! Life is good. I'll take pictures! (note to self: change camera batteries!)